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5 reasons to start using a handmade wallet

So your wallet is starting to show signs of ageing and is looking a little forlorn. You are thinking of getting a new wallet so that you won't feel embarrassed during your next date or social gathering. But again, you find yourself with the struggle of what wallet to buy. Sure, there are many wallet brands out there in the market - Braun Buffel, Kate Spade, Bellroy, Herschel, and many more. But you may have also heard about handmade wallets.

Are handmade wallets even reliable? Are they even worth the amount that I am paying since they are not "branded"? These are some doubts which you may have thought about at some points in time.

If you are still undecided and still trying to learn more about handmade wallets, fret not. We have compiled 5 main reasons for using handmade wallets. Read on to find out more!

Reason #1: Handmade wallets are more durable

Firstly, handmade wallets are hand sewn. One hand-sewing technique is called the saddle stitch. A saddle stitch is essentially 2 layers of leather stitched together by running two threads through one hole. This ensures that the 2 layers of leather are held tightly together and that the saddle stitch stays intact even when a thread breaks. In contrast, a machine-sewn wallet utilises the lock stitch technique in which only one thread runs through each hole. This means that when the thread breaks, the lock stitch will unravel.

Secondly, handmade wallets are typically made using full-grain leather. Full-grain leather refers to the full, unadulterated hide in its natural form, with no added chemicals to modify its looks. This layer of the hide is the strongest because its fibres are very dense, compact, and tightly woven.

Hence, you have a wallet that is not only able to withstand wear and tear based on its natural properties and one which will not give way in the event that a thread breaks.

Reason #2: Handmade wallets can be made with higher quality materials

This is because leather crafters are free to use whatever materials they desire for their wallets. Because they value quality, leather crafters typically use full-grain leather, which is the outermost hide of the cow. Full-grain leather does not undergo any form of sanding, embossing, or chemical alteration, unlike many mass-produced leather products out there.

If you ever see 'Genuine Leather' inscribed on your leather wallet, there is a chance that the leather your wallet is made of are unwanted scraps but beautified into a beautiful wallet or bag through chemical treatment.

As leather crafters, we pride ourselves on using unadulterated hide for your leather products so that whatever amount of money you are investing into the handmade wallet is whatever the handmade wallet is worth.

Reason #3: Handmade wallets are environmentally friendly

It is obvious that handmade leather wallets leave few carbon footprints. Since the process of creating handmade wallets is done entirely by hand, there is no machinery involved. This means that no electricity was used to power any part of the process. Instead, every step is powered by pure human strength and focus. Mass production, in contrast, produces more wallets within a shorter amount of time which requires less labour but consumes more energy.

Reason #4: Handmade wallets are more functional

In addition to being pleasing to the eye, handmade wallets are practical and useful. Imagine buying a wallet which only looks good but after you have bought it and used it, you realise that it does not suit your lifestyle.

Not only does an overstuffed wallet make sitting down uncomfortable, but it also looks unsightly, attracting unnecessary attention to your backside. With a handmade wallet, you can customise your very own wallet to suit your lifestyle - Do you want 3 or 7 card slots? Do you need a coin compartment? Buying a leather wallet from a leather craftsmen makes the process much more flexible as he or she is able to incorporate your needs into the wallet design.

Reason #5: Handmade wallets are unique

Handmade wallets are usually produced directly by the leather crafters himself or by a close acquaintance. This means that you have more freedom in customising and personalising your wallet. For instance, one can request the leather crafter to personalise the wallet in terms of thread colour, type of leather, the thickness of leather, name engraving, and many more! Simply tell your vision of your ideal wallet to the leather crafter and you can be sure to receive a wallet that stands out from the crowd.

These are some reasons why buying a handmade leather wallet is a much better deal than buying a run-of-the-mill wallet. If you want to learn more about how the stitching process makes a handmade wallet more durable, check out our post here. The journey to designing and creating a handmade wallet is not easy, but we want to assure you that it will be a worthwhile investment for you and your loved one!

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